Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Top 10 albums of 2008 countdown: #3

MGMT - Oracular Spectacular

Yeah I know I didn't post #3 yesterday, I sorta kinda forgot.

So today we explore the world of MGMT (pronounced Management).  They have set the new bench mark for many bands to ascend to, and this was their first album!  The music is new fresh sound and they explained best on the Tonight Show "its like 70's music, but from the future", that quote makes me laugh when ever I think of it.

Recommended Songs:

Our video is kind of a interesting one, the song is Electric Feel, but is preformed by the  sweet band from Showbiz Pizza known as, Rock-afire Explosion.

1 comment:

Mindy Sue said...

This video makes me laugh! I had to explain Chucky Cheese to Andrew (he's never been there - now I know where our next date night will be!)