Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Badly learning how to use our new camera.

I just picked up a new digital SLR for steal.  It was on clearance and then dropped to 50% off with an additional $100 in other savings and a $100 gift card, so I got it for about $115.  The cheapest that I can find it on line is for $450-500, I guess I could sell it but I have been wanting one of these for awhile.  So these are just a few meh! attempts that I took of the girls.

Sofia Autumn

Chloe Marie

Olivia Ann

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Gumby - Lost and Found

I love Gumby, I remember watching this all the time at a friends house when I was a kid. I now have Chloe hooked on this brilliant show, and when she is at the appropriate age she will introduce it to her kids and so on.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

More of Sofia

Sofia is a cute little demon, she can be so innocent when she is doing something bad that you forget about what is.  Then it dawns on you what she is doing and tell her to stop! and she will turn and give you a scowl that will burn right through you.  These are some of her scowls that I have been trying to preserve in picture for ages (she is sitting on my lap laughing at the pictures of herself as I post this).
I will post more of the other girls soon, Sofia has just been overly entertaining lately.

Friday, November 14, 2008

3 weeks old

Olivia had he doctors app. She weighs 8 lbs 12 oz so she is in the 50% and she is 21 inches long and in the 75%. She is doing great, she mostly sleeps through the night, even though sofie still doesn't but oh well.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Our version of time-out

When you are bad in our home... we stick you on the top shelf of the pantry!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Halloween Candy

Sofia is a little stinker, spend a little time with her when her big sister is not around and she will have you laughing to tears.  These are a few photos of her expressions with candy that she was given as an experiment to see her expression (by me of course) or some she found.  enjoy.

I gave Sofia a lemon sour patch kid to see what she would do.  This is right after I gave it to her. 

This is when it took full affect, if you think I was being mean she loves them now, but fortunately there was not very many.

Cassie had to change Olivia and while she was distracted Sofia got ahold of some skittles and stuffed her cheeks full.  She's a little poo, but she entertains us. 

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Retro Intro #2

Well this is the next intro I will post from my childhood. I remember watching this show is not as good as I remember it.

Snow Day

Well as most of you know we got a light dusting of snow yesterday.  Chloe woke up before Cassie and I because we wanted to sleep in due to Sofie having a little cold.  She was up for a healthy chunk of the night and Olivia did her usual routine as well.  I was awoken from noises coming from the girls room, Chloe was standing there with nothing on but a pull-up and snow boots, boy was she ready to go out and play.

Chloe in the snow after I made her put on the proper attire

Sofia watching from the warmth of the house because she has the perpetual runny nose plague

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Two weeks old

I can't believe two weeks have already gone by. She 
is actually a great baby only wakes up once or twice
during the night. She has to be held all the time. I try
laying her down when she is asleep but minutes later she
wakes up and wants to be held while she is sleeping.

Monday, November 3, 2008


Cassie gets angry at me cause I don't let many people know about some of my hobbies, it is just the way I am and I try not to impose myself on to others.  But due to pressure from Cassie and some guy's that I know, I entered two of my structures into a judged and popular vote competition.  Cassie can tell you how I couldn't sleep and was very worried about the whole thing.  But I ended up doing okay and this is how I faired.

Newton County Co-op:
2nd in judged portion
1st in popular vote

M.S.Butler Farmers Supply:
1st in judged portion
Best of show in judged portion
2nd in popular vote

More detailed photos and shots of them being built are on my separate blog, a link is in my blog list under rotating coupler.