Monday, July 14, 2008

Star Valley Photos. part 2, Daddy Chloe Tee Time

We had to wait for about 40 min. before we could tee off, for my sanity there was a little playground for Chloe to play on. 

Chloe waiting to be amazed by my shot on a par three hole.

I let her steer while she sat on my lap, she loved it.

Pulling the pin for me on the last hole.

The little girls playing. (note: Cassie incapacitated on the couch)

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Star Valley Photos. part 1

Girls about 10 minutes into the drive.

Girls about 30 minutes into the drive.

View of Star Valley from cabin.

Another view from our backyard.

View of first hole from deck of cabin.

The girls.

Sofia trying to power herself through a screen door.

A deer that was always hanging around the cabin

Star Valley Adventure

We just got back from our little trip to Star Valley, Wyoming.  If you don't know where its at its in the little bit of Wyoming that isn't a waste land.  The girls had fun about 25% of the time, the rest was about 25% sleeping and about 50% screaming and crying (when I say girls I also mean Cassie too).  The first day we drove up through (in order of appearance) Provo, Heber, Park City, Echo, Evanston, Woodruff, Randolph, Coalville, .......some town I can't remember, Afton, and the town of our temporary residence Thayne.  
That night we ate at a good little Italian  restaurant run by trailer trash called Tootsies.  We got pizza just so you know, it had Canadian bacon and olives on it, oh and some cheese.  Then for the rest of the night we hunted for Bigfoot.  
The next morning Chloe & I went golfing.  Oh I forgot to educate you about the cabin we squatted in.  Its owned by a friend of my dads, its not a bad place, its very comfy and cozy.  The great thing about it is the backyard is the fairway of the first hole on a fun 9-hole golf land.   Ok back to golfing.  I forgot to bring Chloe's clubs so she just rode along in the cart, on some of the holes far away from the club house I let her drive, she loved it for some strange reason.  That night the rest of the clan showed up.  It went from blah blah blah to BLAH BLAH BLAH in no time flat, due to the fact there were about 12ish grand kids now.
The next day everybody slowly awoke and then in a convoy of 4 cars we headed north to Jackson or Jackson Hole as some call it.  We ate some food at a local establishment and then blended ourselves in with the Asians, and the very obvious tourists wearing fanny packs, flip flops with socks and to top it off, a cowboy hat.  The amazing thing there was multiples of these strange anomalies.  Yet another thing about Jackson Hole is the whole town is one giant T-shirt store with some crappy art galleries sprinkled about.  So Chad (my brother), and I with our  corresponding families high tailed it out of there so we could get some more very important golf in.  On the 7th hole tee box Chloe decided to whiz in her shorts and shoes, not very funny.
After golf we had dinner and celebrated my moms 60 somethingish birthday (sorry mom I cant remember your age).  
The last day I, surprise surprise went golfing again, this time with my brother in law Todd and my sister Mindy and her powerful child Cole.  This time I came only six feet away from hitting a house I pelted 3 years ago and got their driveway 2 years ago (we have a very close relationship).  Todd did nail a house that was fortunately under construction.   After that we drove home and now I am bringing you this fine story of our travels.  

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Random pic of the girls

I made sofie some maccoroni and by the way
she is smiling I can see that she is loving it

Daddy and chloe having fun in the pool, and
 getting eachother wet.

Sofie enjoying the outdoors, but wouldn't go 
near the water.

Sofie just being herself